24 Desember 2014

Lemon Sky Animation Christmas Dinner 2014

It's the end of December, it's time for whaaaaaat? what, counting the days and wishing for new year goal next year? no man, 2014 is not end yet and it's still a week before new year. It's CHRISTMAS!!

In the beginning of December, Lemon Sky announced that they would held Christmas SECRET SANTA!! what is it? It's an event where all the staff would exchange gift, and all of those present would given in dinner time. They made a rule that the gift should below 30RM (well nobody would know the exact price tag, aight?) as long as the gift would make other people happy it's worth every penny.

I forgot to bring my ipod to take a photo, damn! At least i had a friend that took some photos (no photos would harm the company, Lemon Sky, please don't sue me). The photo is not much, just 3 for the exact number. Sooo sad! Here's all the photos ;

Look at those presents everyoneee :D !!
Santa came to Lemon Sky earlier this year, and i hope the same for you all

Andre got YOLO hat that would make him looked full of SWAG!! 
Yea maaaan Merry Christmas for you Andre!

Whoever gave it to me, let me say thank you from the bottom of my heart :'D
Even the Badass Jonny Worthington ROR would say thank you :'D
 I Love Monsters University!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for you fellas!! :D
I wish you all happy and prosperous, Cheers!!

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